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Shade Tree

The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.  Nahum 1:7 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.Growing up, my family had a rather large garden.

At the time, I could have sworn that garden covered five acres, but it was probably closer to a half-acre. Still, that was a good size for a family of seven. During the summer months, we tended the garden early in the mornings while there was still dew on the ground and before the day became too hot and humid.

Gardening required weeding and picking vegetables. The work was hot and sweaty even in the morning hours. Weeding and harvesting were also, at times, back-breaking, even though I was much younger and closer to the ground at that time.

We gardened every year from the time I was young until I reached my mid-teens. I recall standing in the garden picking vegetables in the glare of the sun and wishing I could sit under the shade of one of the trees in our backyard. Then I would be out of the constant glare of the sun and get some reprieve from the heat and discomfort.

We all need comfort and a place of refuge when life is hard. In God’s goodness, He is “a refuge in times of trouble.”

God is our shade tree. He offers protection from the cares of this world. His shade, like a big tree in the backyard, offers a refreshing place to rest. The only thing we have to do is trust that He can and will give us the shade we need.

Wouldn't you like the peace and refreshment that comes from finding refuge in God? He cares for those who trust in Him. Place your trust in Him. He desires to hold you close and shelter you under His shade.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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April Newbell

April Newbell has been published on Christian Devotions and Arise Daily. She enjoys writing devotions that everyone can relate to and apply to their lives. April and her husband, along with their dog, live in Huntsville, Alabama.


  1. Enjoyed this. Thank you for sharing. Kathy