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God's Got the Last Word

Jesus said unto her, "I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live."  John 11:25 KJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.As the doctor left the room, he took all hopes of a good outcome with him.

Tearfully coming to grips with reality, Amelia walked across the hall to a small counseling room to make the unenviable calls to family members. She told them her son had just passed away. Soon, nurses would terminate the life-support machine, and so would end a young man's life far too soon.

Wanting to comfort her, the pastor walked with her. While searching for words of comfort in his mind, the Lord spoke to the pastor's heart. “Tell her I've got the last word.”

As Amelia made the first call, God spoke to the pastor's heart again, saying, “Tell her.” As she hung up the phone, the pastor told her, “Amelia, God's got the last word.”

Back in the hospital room, Amelia, the pastor, and a couple of others watched with broken hearts as nurses turned off the machine. Surprisingly, Tommy's heart continued to beat. Those in the room tried to comfort one another as they waited for the inevitable continuous alarm. This was one Thursday morning Amelia would never forget.

Sunday morning, the church door opened, and in walked Tommy, looking as if nothing had ever been wrong with him. Defying the odds and to the amazement of his doctors, Tommy made a full recovery. What had seemed a hopeless and inevitable death on Thursday was now three days later a perfectly healthy and vibrant life.

Tommy provided living proof that with God death is swallowed up in victory. Never again would Tommy or his mom doubt that God has the last word.

The moral of the story? Never doubt God's power. Never give up on prayer, no matter how bad your situation may appear. Someone's life may depend on it.

Remember, with people, things are impossible, but with God, all things are possible. 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Andy Hollifield

Andy is a published multi-award-winning author with devotions appearing on the Christian Devotions website as well as the CBN website. He is a contributing author in the Starr Ayers/Stephanie Pavlantos book Room at the Table. Currently, he is working on his first novel and is assembling a book of inspirational Scripture-based short stories along with moral, personal, family, and comical stories. Andy is the founder and director of H.O.P.E. Ministries in Candler, NC. While operating primarily as a food ministry, they also provide backpacks, Easter baskets, and Christmas shoebox gifts to crisis pregnancy centers, domestic violence shelters, schools, government agencies, and other ministries. They also provide disaster relief and aid for unwed mothers and their children. 


  1. Love this message! Speaks to my heart of how much love our Heavenly Father has for His children! Knowing that He never leaves us or forsakes us blesses my soul! Thank you Father for your undying love! Thank you, Andy for showing us so clearly how much He loves us.