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Working and Waiting

Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, "We are going with you also." They went out and immediately got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing.  John 12:3 NKJV

Many years ago, in a gift shop, I purchased a wall plaque made in the format of a religious proverb.

From the wording, I knew it was supposed to be sort of a spoof. It read: Everything cometh to him who waiteth, as long as he who waiteth worketh like heck while he waiteth. Humorous to be sure—and also true.

We all have to wait at one time or another for various reasons. In our passage, Peter and the other disciples also had to do just that. While they waited for Jesus’ next appearance after His resurrection, they continued working and resumed their routine of fishing.

As a writer, I've often had to wait for an editor’s response when I submit an article. But how do I wait? Do I fester in anxious anticipation as time passes, or do I get busy with other projects—and "work like heck" while I wait? And of course, that’s exactly what I’m supposed to do as I trust God’s reasons and His guidance.

If I follow Peter’s example, as well as the advice on the plaque, then I must keep busy with my usual routine tasks for God and then await His renewed presence. Peter had a personal encounter with the Lord—a meeting that set him on his way again. But in my case, God gets me started again on my interrupted task by presenting a clear path with no barriers.

Ask God to help you work while you wait.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Anne Adams

Anne Adams is a retired church staffer living in Athens, Texas, where she writes a historical column for the local newspaper. Her book Brittany, Child of Joy, tells about her mentally disabled daughter and was published in 1986 by Broadman. She has taught junior college history and has published in Christian and secular publications for forty years.