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Do You Trust Me?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5 NIV

"Do you trust me?" I heard the Holy Spirit whisper as I sat on an old lifeguard chair overlooking a lake at a family camp I attended while growing up.

The question gripped my heart, and my eyes filled with tears as I contemplated my response. I wasn't sure I trusted God, but I had nowhere else to turn. I mumbled a desperate "yes," trying to hold back the tears that drifted down my face.

Lifeguarding had been my main job since I was fifteen years old. I was filling in that day for a friend who needed coverage. Summer had just begun, and I had received notice that I had two weeks to move out of my childhood home. Only eighteen at the time, I suddenly needed a full-time job to support myself, but I didn't have a car or a college degree.

I needed a miracle to find a roof to sleep under, employment, and transportation. As the shift ended, I came off the lifeguard chair with red puffy eyes. As the recreational director and I sat in his office and debriefed, a miracle happened.

"Every summer, we put together a recreation staff. Applications for this summer started in January, but we are looking for one more person. Would you be interested? The only requirement is that you live here for the summer. We would provide your room and board, and you wouldn't need a car," the director said. I took the job.

That summer marked the beginning of a trust journey with God that was one of the most challenging journeys I have ever taken. I would not have wanted it to go any other way. I discovered I could trust God with anything.

God provided for me in miraculous ways I had never experienced throughout the years that followed. He is worthy of our trust.

Trust God with what's going on in your life right now. Don’t hold on to the situation and try to control it yourself.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Brandie Muncaster

Brandie is an award-winning author, speaker, and devotional writer. Her most notable work is a children’s book, Garden Tales: A Seed’s Story. She is a contributing devotional writer for Christian Devotions and VineWords: Devotions and More. Brandie is the founder of The Write Place and president of the Charlotte Word Weavers chapter. She is also a member of Hope* Writers and the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators. She and her husband have been married for over fifteen years and live in North Carolina with their three young children, two of whom are Irish Twins. They spend a lot of time on baseball fields and at horse stables and enjoy playing games. They also enjoy family trips where they can bike ride on the beach or explore the mountains.