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Measuring Our Worth

For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16 NIV

Our worth is often measured by our occupation, net worth, education, outward beauty, social status, accomplishments, or the value we add to the world. 

But are these true measuring rods? Maintaining a reputable occupation, owning nice things, or having attractive features are all good. However, we often believe the lie that our worth is measured by what we do to earn these things or that we deserve them. We may even gauge our worth on what others do compared to us.

The truth is the cross measures our value, and we are all the same at the foot of it. Our worth comes from God alone, not anything else. 

Jesus demonstrated how much we are worth by dying on the cross to save us. We have done nothing to earn or deserve our worth. God gave us our worth. We are infinitely valuable to Him because of the price He paid to make us worthy. Each of us is equal to the next person—regardless of occupation, net worth, BMI, or education—because He created each one of us and died for all of us.

We can grow in our relationship with others when we realize our value because of the cross and that we possess immense worth through the eyes of our Creator.

Everything God, the Great Artist, does is breathtaking, including how He created us. He embroidered us with great skill and made us mysteriously complex, skillfully shaping us from nothing into something. He planned our days, and every single one of them was written in His book before any of them existed. He cherishes us in His every thought, and we are immensely valuable to Him.

Have you believed the lie that your worth is measured by what you do? Or have you ever measured your value by comparing yourself to others? Think of one thing you can do today to let go of a lie you’ve believed or a comparison you’ve made. Embrace what God says about you. 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Brandie Muncaster

Brandie is an award-winning author, speaker, and devotional writer. Her most notable work is a children’s book, Garden Tales: A Seed’s Story. She is a contributing devotional writer for Christian Devotions and VineWords: Devotions and More. Brandie is the founder of The Write Place and president of the Charlotte Word Weavers chapter. She is also a member of Hope* Writers and the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators. She and her husband have been married for over fifteen years and live in North Carolina with their three young children, two of whom are Irish Twins. They spend a lot of time on baseball fields and at horse stables and enjoy playing games. They also enjoy family trips where they can bike ride on the beach or explore the mountains.