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Love Looks like Something

And this is love: that we walk in accordance with His commandments and are guided continually by His precepts. This is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, that you should [always] walk in love.  2 John 1:6 AMP

Late into the night, I replayed the day’s events.

I found it impossible to sleep. Whatever I read and wherever I went, division lingered. I saw it in the world around me, in the church, in my relationships, online, and even at the store.

Experiencing this divisive period in history grieved me. I decided to do something about it, so I prayed. My prayer was simple but heartfelt. I asked God to speak into my heart about what I could do. Ideas came of simple ways I could show people God’s love. By doing this, I could create more unity among the people He placed in my life. I was ready to get started.

We can rise above the divisiveness we see around us by asking God for the grace to create unity by walking in love. The most unifying—and greatest—commandments in the Bible involve love toward God and one another.

We can show love with or without words. Either way, love looks like something. Love can look like writing a prayer to God to forgive the people who have wronged us. Love can look like a mason jar full of fresh-cut flowers we leave on the doorstep of our neighbor’s house—a neighbor who sees life through a different lens than we do.

Our hurting world desperately needs God’s healing touch of love. Walking toward someone in love doesn’t mean we ask the mom of the kid who punched our kid in the face to brunch. We can have healthy boundaries and still choose to love.

But it could look like forgiving the kid and asking God to bless the family. When we choose to walk in love by doing something, we create the unity God desires. When we walk in love, we crumble walls of division and heal wounds.

Be the person who creates unity through love in action. Be someone who brings revival to the chaos and trauma. Break down the walls of division so healing can begin. Activate the power of God’s unifying love, putting love on display to those who need it. Bring unity to the people God has placed in your life by showing love through actions.

What is something you can do that demonstrates love in action?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Brandie Muncaster

Brandie is an award-winning author, speaker, and devotional writer. Her most notable work is a children’s book, Garden Tales: A Seed’s Story. She is a contributing devotional writer for Christian Devotions and VineWords: Devotions and More. Brandie is the founder of The Write Place and president of the Charlotte Word Weavers chapter. She is also a member of Hope* Writers and the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators. She and her husband have been married for over fifteen years and live in North Carolina with their three young children, two of whom are Irish Twins. They spend a lot of time on baseball fields and at horse stables and enjoy playing games. They also enjoy family trips where they can bike ride on the beach or explore the mountains.