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Every Good and Perfect Gift

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.  James 1:17 NIV

Honey’s life was at stake. Would she live or die? Her fate depended on Betty.

A few years ago, a couple confronted Betty and said they needed to get rid of their dog, Honey. She was getting old and was nearly blind. Betty had compassion for Honey because she, also, was growing old.  Her heart was tender toward those animals, who, through no fault of their own, face death.

Betty adopted Honey and treated her with tender loving care as she did her other dog. When Betty held a treat in her hand and offered it to Honey, Honey cowered and would not accept it as Betty’s other dog did. When Betty threw the treat on the ground, Honey cautiously picked it up.

Eventually, Honey learned to take the treat from Betty’s hand and to accept Betty’s gifts. Now, she hovers close to Betty and trusts her.

This is what our loving Father wants in the relationship we have with Him. He desires for us to accept all His bountiful and loving gifts. He doesn’t want us cowering and afraid of what He might do to us.  

Some ministers preach more about God’s punishment of sin than they do about God’s love and forgiveness for the sinner. For sure, when Christians sin and don’t repent, God will send consequences. But when we ask God’s forgiveness, He forgives our sin and remembers it no longer.

As we grow spiritually and develop a closer relationship with our Lord, we will no longer fear Him. As Honey eventually wanted to be close to Betty, we will come into God’s presence and experience His love.

Today, spend time talking with Jesus Christ the Savior and allow His love to permeate you through and through.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Norma Mezoe

Norma C. Mezoe strives to be a Barnabas in her writing and in her living. Norma has been a published writer for thirty years and has written for magazines, devotionals, and S.S. literature. She is active in her small church as clerk, teacher, and bulletin maker. Norma may be contacted at normacm@tds.net. 


  1. What a strong visualization of God's gracious love to us! May each of us learn to wholeheartedly depend on the Lord as Honey depends on Betty.