I once heard a Sunday school teacher share a story about sitting at a bank window.
The lady behind the window who helped him talked rudely to him. He said the Holy Spirit spoke to him and told him to be nice to her. He didn’t want to, but he started thinking about how he could obey the Spirit. As he tried to think of something nice to say. all he could think of was “You have a pretty name.”
When he said this, the lady broke down and started crying. That was exactly what she needed to hear to calm her down. The man gave the credit to the Lord, and he said that’s the way it should be. He was right. God should get the glory for everything.
Paul tells us to overcome evil with good. Although in context, he is talking about loving our enemies, his instruction can still apply to any situation where someone is not acting toward us as they should.
We can apply Paul’s words to people we know personally, whether it is a family member, other Christians who normally treat us nicely, or people we don’t even know. Of course, with God’s help, we can apply Paul’s instructions even to those who are our enemies.
Pray that God will help you show His love to everyone, no matter what happens.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Darrell Waters loves Jesus and wants to please Him in all he says, thinks, and does. He is legally blind and disabled but feels that devotional writing is his calling in life. Darrell sings in the choir and also specials on a singers' list in Sunday services as well as on Wednesday nights.