"The water's too deep, and I'm scared," exclaimed the little girl as she sat sobbing by the river.
A friendly man, approaching nearby, responded, "Stick with me, I'll get you across."
As they walked together by the river, Jacelyn was no longer afraid. She'd heard of this man at school and knew his name, but nothing else. Nevertheless, he calmed her troubled little mind. Although she was cold and battered by the storm, she knew she'd be home soon.
After a few minutes of walking, little Jacelyn stopped crying. "Here it is," the man said. Tying his shoes together and throwing them over his shoulder, he reached for her hand. "Take my hand. I promise I won't let you fall," he said. Even though she was still afraid of the water, knowing he had her hand eased her fear.
Several steps later, through the rushing current, they reached the other side. "I told you we'd make it," the man said. "I've walked across this river many times with lots of people. Sometimes, it was much rougher than this. The key is, you've got to know where the rocks are," he told her as he waved and went on his way.
She joyfully ran across the field to her dad's waiting arms. "Get in out of the storm," her dad cried, leaning down to hug her. "I've told you never to cross the river alone when it is storming."
"Oh, but Daddy, I wasn't alone!" Jacelyn said, beaming with joy. "There was a nice man who helped me across."
"But Jacelyn," her dad explained. "I saw you come up from the water, and there was no one with you."
"Sure there was, Daddy. He told me the key is you have to know where the rocks are."
As Christians, wouldn't it be wonderful if we realized the same nice man is walking with us? He's made the crossing many times and knows where all the rocks are. He's never lost his grip on anyone who trusted him. One day, He'll deliver us home to our Father. He'll always be there to help anyone who is looking for a place to cross.
When you need to cross, make sure you take the right hand.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Thank you for this devotion. Praising God for guiding me and knowing where the rocks are! He is worthy to be trusted!