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Joseph, Son of Jacob

When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord commanded. He brought Mary home to be his wife.  Matthew 1:24 NIV

Joseph, husband of Mary and father of the infant Jesus, stood in the warm illuminating glow of flickering candles...and itched.

Itched mightily, in fact, because the robe he wore was an old burlap potato sack that had been given a second career as a robe in the annual church Christmas pageant.

Worse than the itching, though, was a baby Jesus that kept winking at him. Jesus was a plastic baby doll with eyes that were supposed to open and close, but one eye was stuck open. That meant that as Joseph and Mary gazed down adoringly, baby Jesus' one working eye kept winking up at them. This caused Mary Ellen to giggle, and Mary Ellen's giggles were highly distracting. Mary Ellen was one of the prettiest girls Joseph knew, and that was distracting enough without the giggles.

I was Joseph, chosen to play the part because I was tall for an eight-year-old and could (more or less) sing. We were taking part in our church's Christmas pageant. I struggled to remember my lines, trying not to scratch where the itchy burlap was rubbing my skin, trying not to look at the winking Jesus, and trying not to think about that odd tingly feeling I was getting every time Mary Ellen giggled. It was a long night.

It was an even longer night for the real Joseph that glorious night two thousand years ago in Bethlehem. What with caring for Mary and the newborn Jesus, cleaning out the manger, dealing with a steady stream of shepherds coming out of the darkness to see the infant, and seeing the miraculous sight of a night sky full of singing angels, Joseph had his hands full. Not to mention that brilliant new star that glimmered above the manger. But Joseph kept the faith, kept doing God's work, and kept fulfilling the purpose the Lord had entrusted to him.

I think about Joseph often. Like him, I've been blessed with a child I didn't father, but whom I love dearly, nonetheless. I don't know what God has planned for my grandson Caleb, but, like Joseph, I know my job is to get him ready for God to use.

I got through that pageant so many years ago, remembered my lines, and sang my song. This Christmas, as you deal with your own versions of itchy burlap, plastic baby stand-ins for Jesus, and cute giggling Mary Ellen's, try to let God’s peace guide you through the bright baubles and shiny distractions. May you stay focused on the one crucial thing: the incredible love of our Lord, who gave us Jesus, the greatest gift of all.

Wishing a wonderful Christmas season to you all, and may God's love be with you, always.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Kevin Spencer

Kevin Spencer likes to play with words, help others play with them, and is privileged to be a staff writer for Christian Devotions.  He lives with his beautiful blessing of a wife, Charlotte, and his amazing collegiate grandson, Caleb. 


  1. Thank you, Kevin, for your wonderful devotions. I always look forward to reading them. Your humor makes me chuckle and your lessons are right one cue. Thanks for sharing from your life and making mine a little brighter.