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A Lesson from Children's Faith

Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.  Luke 18:17 KJV

The prayers of small children are interesting.

Small children offer detailed petitions. They trust God to do what they pray for. They ask Him for things we adults perceive as funny and little. But their prayers come from a sincere heart, and they believe only God can solve their issue.

This is a non-starter to us adults. We measure God’s ability by the level of our needs and wants. In this way, we downplay the providence of God in little things.

As we age, we use logic when dealing with the things of God. We believe those small things we asked for as children will happen even without asking God. At times, they do, but sometimes, they don't. Sadly, if they don’t, we don't follow up with a kid’s prayer. Even when they do happen, we often don't acknowledge and thank God for answering them. We take it as an obvious thing.

Most adults think prayer concerns only the big things. This thinking kills our childlike faith. I have learned that praying for the small things builds our faith in the big things. I think this is why Christ said we must have childlike faith.  

Childlike faith helps us fulfill our kingdom obligations. It is the small encounters that encourage us for giant battles. We can learn from David, who told of how the Lord had delivered him from small things and then later, big things. As an adult, his faith was strong because of his childlike testimonies.

Trust God even in the smallest detail of your life, just as children trust their parents for anything. God is interested in every detail about you—your health, school, finances, relationships. and everything else.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Martin Juwa

Martin Juwa is a freelance writer and poet from Malawi, Southern Africa. He writes on faith, spiritual parenting, education, healthy living, and self-improvement.