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Be an Encourager

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.  1 Thessalonians 5:11 CSB

I loathe running.

It takes me all day to persuade myself to put on my running shoes, and even then, I grumble through the miles. A friend once told me if I kept at it, I would learn to love running. I’m still waiting.

A couple of years ago, a friend and I signed up for a 5K. This would be my first race, but my friend was a seasoned runner with many races under her belt. At the start, we stayed together, enjoying each other’s company. However, it didn’t take long for my friend to run ahead, keeping to her pace instead of mine.

To my astonishment, my friend would run ahead for a while then turn around and run back to me. Her sole purpose was to encourage me to keep going. I teased her that she probably ran a 10K that day running back and forth. She didn’t worry about her PR or what anyone would say about her slow time. She pushed ahead at her pace while encouraging me to keep going at mine. In the end, my friend celebrated my embarrassing slow time just as much as she would have if I had gotten first place.

Isn’t the Christian walk like that? We are called to run the metaphorical race before us. Some of us are slow, not in shape, or new to the Christian faith. Others have trained for years and are further along in their journey. A few might be running in extreme conditions, just trying to put one foot in front of the other, their pace almost a walk. 

Wherever we are on our journey, God understands and cheers us on. He tells us to encourage one another and build each other up, knowing that living on this earth is difficult. He tells us to run our race but not to forget about the others running beside us. Sometimes, we need the example and encouragement of someone further along in their faith journey.  

In real life, this means we should be an example by leading our families through prayer and church attendance. We can send a card or make a phone call to encourage someone. We can become a mentor or Bible study leader.

Who will you encourage in their journey this week?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Rachael Reese

Rachael Reese is a writer, wife, mother, and volunteer who has spent her life using her personal and career experiences to serve others in ministry. Rachael graduated from Florida Bible College with a degree in Biblical Education and Elementary Education. Creative at heart, she uses her writing to tell stories of hope through both fiction and non-fiction. Rachael and her husband have three adult sons and live in the Midwest with their two dogs. Rachael spends her free time reading, crafting, and spoiling her fur babies.


  1. Great analogy, Rachael! I love the thought of encouraging someone daily, as Christ encourages me.

  2. So good! Grateful for this reminder today :)