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Dare to Draw Near

Come near to God and he will come near to you.  James 4:8 NIV

I never cared if my dogs, Molson, and later Cody, could hunt, do tricks, or fetch.

I just wanted canine love sponges that would leap for joy when I came home, let me cuddle them, and share our adventure walks.

Molson was a mutt and chased other critters when he could. Other than that, he was laid back, ran to join me when I played the piano, and rolled his eyes in ecstasy with a tummy rub. He looked like a wolf but a chihuahua could intimidate him. Although not the brightest dog in the world, he was the best love sponge ever, and boy, did he get love from me.

Cody was a pure-bred Cocker spaniel, and he was, well, cocky and smart. I suspect he drew close to me because it was in his best interest, so I received only so much love from him. He treated tummy rubs as if they were his due for not pooping in the house. Still, he had endearing ways. Molson, Cody, and I bonded wonderfully. I loved them both and still miss them.

But how much more does my Creator, God, love me? I am created in His image. He invites me to draw near, even though He is the Alpha and Omega. I should tremble at the thought of drawing close, yet something draws me to Him as instinctively and fearlessly as my dogs were drawn to me.

James tells us God invites us to draw near to Him, and, best of all, He will come near to us. When we faithfully come to Him by praying and reading His Word, we become God’s “love sponges.” In His presence, we soak up His love and, with a little squeezing, pour out that love on others.

If we can love our pets unconditionally, how much more should we love everyone and reach out to those who appear unlovable, cute, or smart.

Why not be like a love sponge and give everyone a good squeeze?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Susan LeDoux

Susan LeDoux writes from Rochester, New York. Besides devotionals, she writes for various ministries, and blogs weekly from her website, www.sueledoux.us. Her debut novel about redemption, The Divine Meddler, is now available, with more on the horizon.