In my early teens, I babysat for the family across the street.
Their children included a six-month-old girl and incorrigible twin four-year-old boys. The baby girl’s needs were simple. However, every time I tended to her needs, the boys used their unfiltered creativity to entertain themselves.
When I gave her a bottle, they took their bunny out of its cage, placed it on the record turntable, and watched it barf. While I changed her diaper, they decided it would be even more fun to put the bunny in the dryer and see it barf in there.
While I was rescuing the bunny, and cleaning up after it, they went into the garage, brought the lawnmower inside, and sucked up a throw rug into the mechanism.
As I rectified the lawnmower-rug encounter, I smelled smoke. I rushed upstairs to the kitchen to discover they had set the kitchen curtains on fire with their chemistry set.
I called the fire department and my mother—who ran across the street with an extinguisher as I corralled the three siblings on the sidewalk. The volunteer firemen arrived just as my mother declared victory over the flames.
My mother trained me as a babysitter before I was hired, so I knew whom to call when I needed help with a flaming chemistry experiment. My parents taught me about God and how to pray to Him, so, like the psalmist, I knew whom to call when I needed help with life issues.
When our relationships, finances, or health issues spin out of control, we can call on God. He waits eagerly for us to do so. And we don’t have to wait until things become an emergency.
Why not get to know God now by calling upon Him?
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Blessings and prayers for a successful journey into the Internet. May God guide people to your messages, and may they always be edifying, elpful, and give glory to God.
I literally laughed out loud by the third sentence. I LOVE the way this encourages us to call on God rather rely on own strength, especially when things get crazy.