I was a Christian when I joined the Marines.
I was tempted to do a lot of things I knew my heavenly Father forbade. The way I overcame those temptations was by simply saying no to them.
The word no is a simple but powerful word in our vocabulary. It is a word of denial or refusal.
The heroes of the faith are our examples of people who said no to the world, the flesh, and the Devil, but who said yes to God. As a result, God used them mightily. What makes a hero of the faith and a great Christian is courageously saying no to the Enemy at whatever the cost.
The early Christians were separated and had great power with God because they said no to the things of the world. We lose our separation and power with God when we don’t say no to the things of the world. Much is lost or gained because of whom we say no to. When we say no to the world and yes to God, we experience revival.
Christians stay pure by saying no to what defiles us. A battle’s won by not retreating or surrendering. God continues to use a church when they do things His way and say no to the methods of the world.
Satan’s been tempting people in various ways for centuries. He’s good at his evil work, but we are not ignorant of his devices. Regardless of how sophisticated or enticing the temptation, we can get the victory. We don’t have to analyze the temptation, understand it, or argue our point and position. All we need is to respond with a simple “no” to overcome and remain in God’s will.
The secret to living for Christ is keeping the word no on the tip of our tongue and our feet in the path of holiness. C. H. Spurgeon said, “Learn to say no. It will be of more use to you than to be able to read Latin.”
What are some things that will help you say no to temptation?
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Great couple of posts, my friend! I missed them when posted, so glad I found them today!