Everyone has felt left out at one time or another.
Perhaps we were not invited to a birthday party or didn’t get to go on a camping trip. Seniors may get left out because they’re frail and can’t walk or drive. No matter what the situation is, it hurts to feel left out, even if it’s not done on purpose.
Before Special Olympics was founded, no sport for special needs children existed. Imagine the disappointment of living in the shadow. One day, someone did something about it, and it brought a change in our world. In July 1968, the first Special Olympics competition was held at Soldier Field in Chicago, Illinois.
Jesus has a heart for those who have been left out. He came for the hurting. He took time to stop and heal the blind and the sick. For the children, He carved out enough time from His busy schedule to bless them.
In third-world countries, many people are isolated from the rest of the world. They get left behind because they don’t have the jobs, education, and resources that other countries have.
Everyone is important to God. In God’s kingdom, no one gets left out.
If you’re feeling left out today, you’re invited to come before God’s throne and present your needs. There, you will find grace.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Dorothy Waldon is new to the world of writing. She has a degree in office technology and enjoys church. She and her husband, Bennie, are blessed with two grown children, and they all reside in Northern Texas. Dorothy loves nature. If you can’t find her in the flower garden caring for her plants, she’ll be at the piano, playing her most favorite hymns. She enjoys visiting with family and friends.