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Pressure in Our Lives

As for me, I call to God, and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.  Psalm 55:16-17 NIV

At one time, I groveled under a lot of pressure.

I was a principal of a school and completing post-graduate work for a superintendent endorsement. I was selling my home in the city after three traumatic incidents: a bullet came through the second floor of my home in my children's rooms, my front fence needed repair after it had been damaged during a police car chase, and my garage needed repair because a young lady tried to run over her boyfriend with her car and ran into my garage instead.

During this time, I was also active in my church. I was a co-facilitator of the youth church and ministry leader for the new members class and youth choir. I also attended monthly meetings for Christian education. When I examined my life, I saw a busy woman under pressure who was not prioritizing her family. That bothered me. I wanted to scream.

When we want to scream at the top of our lungs from life’s pressure, we should call out to God and ask Him to deliver us. God always hears us. He hears our calls, and He desires to deliver us whether it is morning, noon, or night.

After I prayed, the pressure lessened, and my life looked and felt different. By the end of the following year, I had completed my superintendent classes, my family and I were in a new home in the suburbs, and I had transitioned to a new church home. I also spent more time with my family.

When we discover we are under pressure, we need to examine the source. God does not want His children to labor under pressure. Often, pressure overtakes us, and we are not aware of its grasp. We need to determine if the pressure is too much.

Call out to God when the pressure builds in your life. Ask Him either to deliver you or to give you a plan of deliverance.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Vanesa Scott-Thompson

Dr. Vanesa Scott-Thompson is currently an executive in a Christian non-profit. She has been involved in ministry in praise and worship, youth church, youth choir, and new members’ classes. She has been married for nineteen years and has two children.


  1. This devotional on handling pressure and stress was exactly what I needed today. I had spent time with the Lord to have His Word remind me of His power over all my concerns. This devotional was spiritual "icing on the cake."