A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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Writing What You See

Write, therefore, what you have seen.  Revelation 1:19a NIV

I struggled with the topics.

Asked to write devotions for a ministry website, I knew hundreds, if not thousands, would read my words. I felt pressured to produce powerful pieces. While I took one college course on New Testament literature, I am not a biblical scholar. What wisdom could I possibly impart?        

As I mused, I recalled the devotions I had read that impacted me the most. The most powerful were those that incorporated a personal experience, a lesson learned, or an influence made on the writer’s faith walk. None were penned by seminary professors. The writers were regular individuals like me, attempting to walk out their faith in the real world. I could relate to the writer.          

God confirmed He uses people to share their own experiences with others when my Sunday school class studied Revelation. Write, therefore, what you have seen.This verse struck me immediately. Christ instructed John to write what he had seen—to share an experience unique to him. And he did not need a divinity degree. 

While I pray readers will learn faith lessons from the words I write, I have benefitted the most from my devotions. Writing them has opened my eyes to how my faith comes into play daily—even in the most mundane activities.          

Transforming what I have seen into a devotion leads me to look for God and the lesson He has. While not everyone can write devotions, all of us can focus on seeing what God is doing in our lives. Faith lessons are present if we look for them. And we can share with others what we have seen and learned—if not in writing, at least verbally.

How can you share what God is teaching you?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Alice Murray

Alice H. Murray is a Florida adoption attorney by profession and a writer by passion. Alice writes a weekly blog, has had three pieces published in the compilation work Short And Sweet Series, and is a staff writer for www.adoption.com