Do you ever worry about making the right decisions?
Something about deciding stresses me out. No matter how small or large the decision, I tend to second-guess myself, leaving me disappointed. I assume I disappoint others around me, too, when I see the frustration on their faces. A simple lunch date could turn into an all-night sleepover if the decision were left up to me. Sigh.
But once we put our faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit becomes our guide. Paul wanted the Galatians to know circumcision held no benefit. They, on the other hand, tried to decide if circumcision would make them more righteous with God. If they chose circumcision, they would choose to put themselves back under the law. Christ had already made them righteous through His blood, but they tried to mix the law with grace.
To live free in Christ, we must run our choices through the filter of grace. If we choose to live in the Spirit of God’s grace, love, and faith, it is almost impossible to make the wrong decisions. When we are indecisive, we can let love make the final decision because love conquers all.
Many decisions may appear inconsequential, but thinking about the following questions before we do can benefit us: Will our decision make an impact for Jesus? Will it unite or divide? Will it point others toward Jesus or away? Will it strengthen our faith or weaken it? Does it shed light or darkness? Will it honor or dishonor our parents?
Ultimately, our decisions point to the love of Jesus and make a difference for heaven. Our Lord uses love to drive all things.
God allows us to make our own decisions for a good reason. He wants us to choose Him over everything. Having the ability to choose is a privilege, but God wants us to cover our decisions in love.
On what basis are you making your decisions?
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Such a practical devotion because decisions are stressful for me. Thank you.
I am so very proud of you! Your heart is in the right place!! It makes a momma so happy when she looks at her grown baby and sees Jesus! We love you and your drive to dig deeper in to the word! ????????