A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Romans 12:2 KJV

For several years I worked at vacation Bible school. One year, the lessons were illustrated by using the transformer toys, which change as their name shows.

This is also what happens when we’re born again. We’re not the same people, although we certainly aren’t perfect. God helps us to transform instantly in some areas and slower in other areas. One example might be dress. The Lord must deal with us about wearing appropriate clothing. Another area might be relationships. Perhaps some are living together but not married. And then there might be some long-range changes God has to work in our lives.

God changes us as we study His Word, pray, get established in a local church, listen to godly preaching and teaching, and apply what we read and hear.

Every day it is good to ask, “Lord am I changing into someone better and more like You, or am I changing for the worse?

Ask God to help you be more like Him each day.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Darrell Waters

Darrell Waters loves Jesus and wants to please Him in all he says, thinks, and does. He is legally blind and disabled but feels that devotional writing is his calling in life. Darrell sings in the choir and also specials on a singers' list in Sunday services as well as on Wednesday nights.


  1. Such good words to live by and face the day with!

  2. Amen. I pray I will be more like Him every day. Great message.