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An Answered Prayer

And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.  Luke 18:1 ESV

My stomach knotted as I faced the airport exit.

People crowded onto the escalator, each searching for their next gate and flight. The calm tone of my friend’s voice on my phone was the only thing that kept me from running back to my car and driving away. What did I think when I agreed to this meeting? Would we recognize one another, or would he walk right past me?

Then I saw him. To this day, I don’t know how I knew it was him. I just did. He was a short man, had a bit of a belly, and was dressed in a blue Hawaiian shirt and flip-flops as if ready for the beach. I felt my heart pound as he made his way down the escalator. I tried not to stare, but to my amazement, he recognized me too.

Without hesitation, he walked right up to me and gave me a big hug. As we reunited after twenty-four years, I thanked God for answering the prayer I had prayed for so long—that someday I’d be able to meet my biological father.

Jesus urges us to continue to knock on the door of heaven until we receive an answer. From God’s perspective, praying continually has value. God is still found in His temple, reigning as King over everything. He sees and understands the whole picture. Jesus, seated at God’s right hand, constantly intercedes for us while the Father listens to His prayers.

Nothing can happen on earth that Jesus’ heavenly rule will not prevail over. These are all reasons we can trust God to answer our prayers in His perfect timing.

Pray the impossible prayer. Trust God to make it possible in His time.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Brandie Muncaster

Brandie is an award-winning author, speaker, and devotional writer. Her most notable work is a children’s book, Garden Tales: A Seed’s Story. She is a contributing devotional writer for Christian Devotions and VineWords: Devotions and More. Brandie is the founder of The Write Place and president of the Charlotte Word Weavers chapter. She is also a member of Hope* Writers and the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators. She and her husband have been married for over fifteen years and live in North Carolina with their three young children, two of whom are Irish Twins. They spend a lot of time on baseball fields and at horse stables and enjoy playing games. They also enjoy family trips where they can bike ride on the beach or explore the mountains.