While helping my wife with a large online file download of pictures for a eulogy presentation, the link came with confusing instructions.
We couldn’t see the download button and wanted to avoid the time-consuming task of individually downloading numerous pictures. Thankfully, we finally determined how to “download all” and clicked that button. I said, “Let’s just do what it says and let it do what it does.” Upon clicking the right button, the process did the rest of the work—saving us incredible time.
As we worked, I thought of how that simple truth also applies to Scripture. I may not fully understand how what I read specifically applies to the situations, circumstances, or spiritual development of my life at the moment. Sure, I want to know. I study and research it, trying to discover what it says, what it means, and how it applies. But I act in faith when I simply do what it says and let it do what it does. I walk in the light God gives in that moment and trust Him to enlighten what I don’t presently know or will need to apply later. Either way, I keep downloading God’s Word and allowing it to do what it does.
The Bible isn’t simply a book to be read through like all other books. It is the living, breathing, working love letter from our Creator—a spiritual owner’s manual. As we read it step by step, we apply what we know when we know it. Then the supernatural happens. The Holy Spirit activates that spiritual download and does His silent, invisible, and incredible work. Slowly but surely, as we hide God’s Word in our hearts and surrender to His direction, He stores what we need for when we need it. Through His ongoing transformation, we find the necessary files strategically saved where God sovereignly knew we would need them.
How are you downloading God’s Word into your heart?
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Well written. I love the analogy and it made me think about how God's Word is actively at work in my life (via the Holy Spirit) whether I know it or not -- and how His timing is always just right. Hallelujah, what a Savior! Blessings on your ministries and writing.