Sometimes, we feel the need to enter God’s presence.
I remember when I wasn’t singing and worshiping the Lord for a certain time. I felt a kind of spiritual heaviness building until I started to worship. When I did, the heaviness fell off. I recalled the words of Psalm 100:4: “Enter into His presence with thanksgiving.”
From the beginning of creation’s story, there has been a constant theme of entering or leaving God’s presence. Both have certain outcomes. God created us to worship and glorify Him. Despite our temporary dwelling on earth, we should continue to turn our focus and worship to the Lord.
Christ met a Samaritan woman at a well and told her the time would come when it wouldn’t matter whether her people worshipped on the mountain of Samaria or in Zion. God wants those who worship Him to do so in spirit and truth. To do so, we must enter His presence with thanksgiving and praise.
God wants us to walk by the Spirit so we won’t be tempted to satisfy the desires of the flesh. We are also taught not to be drunk with wine but to be filled with the spirit—singing songs and hymns and making spiritual music from our hearts to the Lord. A true mark of a believer is when we continue to worship the Lord regardless of life’s circumstances.
Regardless of where we go or what we go through, we can continue to honor and worship the Lord by seeking out His Word and delighting in Him.
How can you set aside more time to worship and honor the Lord?
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Thank you for sharing this profound article! God Bless your ministry work!