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Let Go

Jehovah hears the cries of his needy ones and does not look the other way.  Psalm 69:33 TLB

Many years ago, I had to let go.

My husband left me for another woman, so there were two things I needed to release. First, when he left, I prayed that my husband would return, but eventually, I had to let go of that desire and resign myself to living alone.

Second, I had to let go of my fear of being interviewed and look for a job to support myself. I had never worked outside my home. The Lord gave me the words and actions I needed. After being hired, I realized I could learn the many facets of the job.

The widow must have been pitiful as she stood before Elisha, the prophet. “What will I do?” she doubtlessly wailed as her frail body shook. “If I don’t pay my creditor, he will take my sons as slaves.”

Elisha must have taken a moment to comfort her before asking, “What food do you have in your home?” Quietly she replied, “Only a jar of oil.” Then Elisha gave her a surprising command, telling her to borrow all the pots and bowls she could and fill them with oil. The oil flowed until she had filled all the containers.

God abundantly met the widow’s need, but she had to obey Elisha’s strange request. She also had to let go of the little she had before God would meet her needs.

God is waiting to meet our needs, but we must let go of things holding us back from His blessing.

What do you need to let go of to have a more personal relationship with the Lord?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Norma Mezoe

Norma C. Mezoe strives to be a Barnabas in her writing and in her living. Norma has been a published writer for thirty years and has written for magazines, devotionals, and S.S. literature. She is active in her small church as clerk, teacher, and bulletin maker. Norma may be contacted at normacm@tds.net. 
