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Faith like the Birds

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?  Matthew 6:26 NIV

Bird viewing may change during the winter.

Usually, during the winter months, leaves have fallen, people hide inside, and birds have flown away. But if we look closely, we may find the occasional feathered friend. My friend noticed two little birds that always sat on the same bare bush as he walked past it. He knew the same two birds would be there every day without exception.

My friend’s experience reminds me of the verses in Matthew where Jesus says God provides for the birds. Without fail, He gives them everything they need to survive. He never forgets one day or gets too busy the next. God is there constantly, just as the birds were in my friend’s experience.

God’s consistent care for birds demonstrates His faithfulness toward His children. Just as my friend assumed the two birds would sit on that bush each day, we can know God will care for us and not abandon us. We may still struggle, but our struggle allows God to provide for us and show us how much He values us—even more so than the rest of His creation.

As we look around, we can see the many ways God provides for His creation. We breathe air, hear the gentle roar of the ocean, or watch the sunrise. God makes all these things possible, even when we take them for granted, and we should thank Him for them.

Trust God to be faithful in the little things in life, and when you do, it will be easier to trust Him with the bigger things.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Savannah Goss

Savannah Goss is a writer.