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Little Things

Whoever is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much, and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.  Luke 16:10 NASB

“Little things, little things.”

My son’s football coach often used the phrase on his players. He wanted them to focus on the little things they could control. So, during practice, they focused on becoming proficient at doing the small things well: completing the drills, getting physically fit, and knowing the plays, instead of taking shortcuts or worrying about their chance to score the winning touchdown. These little things were the makings of a great team player—one the other teammates could depend on during the game.

That teaching resonated with my husband and me. We put the phrase next to our son’s bed so he could look at it at night—not so much that he would become a great football player but a great man. Becoming a man of integrity is about being faithful to the little things instead of taking the easy way out.

God is interested in the little things—how we live out our faith in our daily choices. Those seemingly small decisions can change our lives. Obedience entails consistency. It demands faithfulness along the journey and steadfastness even when it seems inconsequential. Small choices of obedience lead to significant changes. God transforms us when we bravely decide to live by faith in the little things.

Our integrity matters to God—integrity that shows up in our everyday decisions and actions. We can be kind when we don’t get our way, love others even when it’s hard, and stay faithful to our commitments.

How can you show integrity in your small choices that no one else sees?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Jennifer Townsend

Jennifer Townsend is an author, educator, photographer, and community philanthropist. Earning her MBA and accolades in advertising in her earlier career, Jennifer now focuses on sharing her faith. She has led a community Bible study for fourteen years that started in her home and has grown to over two hundred women. Jennifer has created mindfulness and anti-bullying curriculum for local organizations. She has won awards for her photography, been published in several anthologies and websites, and writes a weekly blog. To help more people find divine transformation, she is writing her first book, Disruptive Grace. Follow her weekly blog at www.disruptivegrace.com, Facebook, and Instagram @disruptivegrace.


  1. Wonderful message Jennifer! Thank you. Little things! Little things!