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Singing to the Lord

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his love endures forever!  Psalms 107:1 NIV

Sometimes we struggle to worship God.

I once struggled with constantly praising and thanking God because of my circumstances. It felt so easy to focus on what I saw, which was temporary, rather than on what was unseen and eternal. I finally realized God was fully in control, and I needed to press further in and trust Him.

God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end—He who was and is and is to come through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. The Lord will never abandon nor forsake us. He sustains all creation and fills the earth with good things—but things which pale in comparison to that which resides eternally. He alone is the cornerstone, the greatest gift and inheritance we could have.

As we go about our daily activities, we should thank God for His promises, which will come to pass according to His purpose and sovereignty that will stand regardless of the intent and schemes of humans. He who fills our hearts with everything and satisfies our eternal desires knows us better than we know ourselves. We have reason to thank the Ruler of all.

We should praise and thank the Lord for He is good, and His mercy endures forever.

Think of some creative ways to offer more praises to the Lord. Seek out the Word of the Lord and delight yourself in Him.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Jordan Zuniga

Jordan Zuniga is an emerging Christian poet, devotional writer, and fiction writer. He has multiple pieces published by Christian Devotions, Calla Press, Agape Review, and other publications. He is actively seeking representation from a literary agent. If you enjoy his work on Christian Devotions and would like to support his efforts, please follow him on Instagram @cccreativewriter.