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Waiting Isn't Easy

I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord.  Psalm 27:13-14 NASB

Photo courtesy of pixabay.The day at school was busy.

I was knee deep in state testing materials and schedules, trying to make sure every student in our building finished testing before the end of April.

As I walked down the hall toward the teacher’s lounge, I saw one of my students coming down the opposite side. He smiled big and said, “Mrs. Frazier, when are you going to get us?” (This is code word for when is guidance class?)  I told him I wouldn’t see him for another two months—thinking he would never understand how long that was.

He looked up to the sky, used both hands—as if to count the number of days within two months—stopped counting after five, and said, “Sounds good.” Then he skipped all the way down the hall. He didn’t mind waiting because he knew I would eventually spend time with him.

When we have to wait, it’s not as easy, but the psalmist encourages us to. Many of us picture waiting as if we’re sitting in a doctor’s office with a couple of magazines in front of us, watching the minute hand on the wall clock, and listening carefully for our name to be called. But waiting is getting ready with expectation and excitement that God is going to complete His promises in and through us.

Remembering two things will help us with our waiting. One, we will see an answer, because God always answers our prayers. It may not be exactly what we are looking for or want at the time, but if we are seeking God, He changes our wants and desires to reflect exactly what He wants and desires for us.

Second, don’t take for granted what we are doing while we wait. God is preparing us in our current situation, even if it doesn’t look like it. By discrediting our training, we might miss out on a blessing that will later bless others.

When God asks you to wait, do so with expectation.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Amy Frazier

Amy Frazier is a traveling worship leader, singer, songwriter, and blogger from Oklahoma City. She has a passion to write for the church about real life experiences so others can relate, as well as see God's mighty hand in their circumstances—with a little added humor. For more information about Amy, please visit her website at www.amyfrazier.com. You can also join her Facebook page (Amy Frazier Music) for updates throughout the year or visit her on Twitter at @amyfraziermusic.
