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Delay or Opportunity

And Jesus said, "Who touched me?"  Luke 8:45 NKJV

The day was sunny, and I had my cruise control on, making wonderful time—until I saw traffic ahead at a dead stop.

I slowed and stopped behind all the other traffic. My first thought was, Great, I wonder how much time this will take. I glanced at my radio and noted the time. A wreck is usually ahead with traffic at a dead stop like this on the interstate. I scolded myself for worrying about how much of a delay this would cause. Rather, I should pray for the people in the accident and the first responders. I also realized I should be thankful I was not in the accident rather than focusing on the delay.

As traffic moved, I looked at my radio and saw that twenty minutes had gone by. When I passed the accident scene, I noticed no one looked severely injured, and I was thankful for that and that God’s agenda now drove me, not mine.

The delay reminded me of how I get so busy with my life—what I’m doing and where I’m going—that I often don’t notice others. Then, when delays come, I get irritated.

Jesus was on his way to heal the daughter of Jairus, but the delay in healing the woman with the issue of blood led to the man’s daughter dying. But Jesus didn’t get annoyed with the woman. He dealt with her graciously and with compassion. Jesus saw this as a ministry opportunity. He also assured Jairus that if he believed, his daughter would live. When someone delayed Jesus, He didn’t get irritated or annoyed.

God knows our plans and how to work everything out when something delays us. We just need to relax and rest in Him. When we’re delayed or our plans get messed up, we should ask how this can be a ministry opportunity for God.

Ask God to give you Jesus’ mindset so you can deal graciously with whatever delays you meet. 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Daniel Bishop

Daniel Bishop is the author of Ralley Point: Place of Refuge—book one in the Baskin Family Foster Journal Series. Daniel authors faith-based novels of foster care and adoption, guzzles coffee, and occasionally eats ice cream for breakfast. He lives in Knoxville, Tennessee, with his wife and daughter.


  1. This is a wonderful devotional. Just like your books- so filled with God’s simple, powerful truth.