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Going through a Dark Valley

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, For your rod and your staff, they comfort me.  Psalms 23:4 ESV

Going through a dark valleyI’ve been going through a dark valley of homelessness for what seems like the longest time.

When I first became homeless, I resolved to pursue my creative writing ministry anyway. I was concerned about everything I needed to take care of and constantly fretted and feared the what ifs.

Yet as I continued to move forward, I learned God was with me in all situations. Even now, as I keep pushing, I thank and worship God through one of the most challenging seasons I have ever endured.

David was inclined to suffering and persecution. Before becoming king, he was tested by fighting battles for the Lord and by rejection from Israel’s first king.

The mark of a mature Christian is not when we worship and praise God through sunny skies and bright days, with blessings on all that we do.

The genuine mark comes when we worship, rejoice, and place our trust in God when we travel through the valley of the shadow of death. When we feel closed in by the darkness and everything seems to go wrong. Yet we take heart and rejoice anyway. God is faithful through persecution, difficult seasons, and all that we have yet to endure.

Through it all, God is with us, and we should continue to believe and draw close to Him, despite our circumstances and feelings. God wants us to trust Him, not rely on our understanding. We should seek His will in all we do, and He will make our paths straight. When we delight in the Lord, He will grant us our heart’s desires.

How can you draw closer to the Lord, despite the spiritual warfare surrounding you? 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Jordan Zuniga

Jordan Zuniga is an emerging Christian poet, devotional writer, and fiction writer. He has multiple pieces published by Christian Devotions, Calla Press, Agape Review, and other publications. He is actively seeking representation from a literary agent. If you enjoy his work on Christian Devotions and would like to support his efforts, please follow him on Instagram @cccreativewriter.
