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Canceling the Me Culture

Jeshurun (Israel) grew fat and kicked; filled with food, they became heavy and sleek. They abandoned the God who made them and rejected the Rock their Savior.  Deuteronomy 32:15 NIV

canceling the me cultureCanceling the me culture isn’t easy.

When do I rise early, sit by the window, wait for the sunrise, and pray with tears bathing my cheeks? That’s a no-brainer. When trouble is at my door. Suffering always blows away my delusion of self-sufficiency and causes me to cry out to my Savior and Rock.

What’s wrong with that? Not a thing. But if suffering is my primary motivator for fervently praying, I miss the recalibrating power of giving thanks for the good God has done, the good He does now, and the good He promises for the future.

Moses compared Israel to a healthy animal, such as an ox, that the owner gave all the nourishment needed to become powerful. Tragically, the ox kicked against the provider when its physical prowess peaked.

Like a rebellious ox, Israel rejected God, who had delivered them from Egyptian slavery, led them through the wilderness to the promised land, and blessed them with prosperity. God’s chosen people attempted to cancel Him out of their newfound culture of prosperity and ease.

Does my heart attitude cancel thankfulness like the Israelites? When the Lord allows success and prosperity, do I say, “I got this? I’m good. Thanks for your help, Lord, but I’ll take it from here.” Or do I see my need for the Lord’s care in seasons of health and peace? Do I rise early and praise Him with joyful tears of thanksgiving?

As I meditate on the Lord’s faithfulness through the years and review His love and care, the culture of my heart becomes less about me, and my heavy sleek ego shrinks.

We should make a habit of always thanking the Lord for all things. Keep a running list of all the Lord’s blessings, then use the list to praise Him daily.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Grace Assante

Grace Assante has enjoyed various writing projects over the years, and after attending the 2022 Asheville Christian Writers Conference, she was inspired to learn the craft of writing well and not to give up on her dreams of publication. She and her husband live in Brooklyn, New York, and are blessed with three grown children, two wonderful daughters-in-law, and three adorable grandkids. She enjoys traveling, reading, taking long walks with her husband, and meeting friends for coffee.


  1. So many of the sins of the United States stem from ungratefulness. A thankful heart keeps us close to our source of blessings, the Lord of heaven and earth.
