A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.  Hebrews 6:19 NIV

anchoredWhat we are anchored in proves essential.

Early one morning while sitting on the edge of my bed, putting on my shoes in preparation for a meeting with a client, the wooden hangers in the closet started banging together. A 5.6 earthquake rolled through, rattling the room and hangers as I sat on the seventeenth floor of a hotel in San Francisco.

At that moment, I knew my earthly anchor was not working. Adrenaline-infused fright manifested itself in “goose bumps” and trembling steps as I rushed out the door and into the hallway. I looked at the atrium, and remarkably, people seemed calm. I wasn’t.

Earth is something we feel secure about, but when it wobbles and cracks, disorientation and fear can overwhelm us. Earthly anchors are undependable.

But God gives us a promise, a reassurance of His permanent essence, and the unchanging nature of His purpose anchors our souls.

Daily, we wake to the news of recession, depression, war, food shortages, and other losses. Finding joy in our day-to-day activities and relationships proves next to impossible. But God’s promises do not change.

King David liked to say God was his rock and fortress. We, too, can have that experience and enjoy that serenity by trusting in God’s promises.

What things can you try that will anchor your hope in the promise that God will be your rock and fortress?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Tom Scott

Tom Scott is a retired businessman who thought golf would be the focus of his days. Thankfully, God reached out during idle times, prompting him to pursue his love of writing. It has replaced golf as his passion, and writing about the impact of God upon lives thrills him. You can connect with him at www.tomscott123.worldpress.com