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Growing Young Versus Old

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  2 Corinthians 4:16 NIV

growing young versus oldGrowing young versus old challenges everyone.

Lately, I feel my body getting older. I love to exercise, and my stopping point used to be exhaustion, but now I worry about injury and take things slower. Getting older comes with new issues and concerns, but I would not trade youth for what I have now.

My faith has increased, as have my years. My relationship with God has grown stronger, and understanding His ways has changed how I live. As a result, I have a broader perspective and new vitality in my thinking.

God’s love has given me more love for others and the ability to let go of things that once entangled me, like being easily offended or focusing on the negative. As a result, I forgive more easily and approach things with more understanding. Instead of being defined by my circumstances or accomplishments, I find my confidence as a child of God. Rather than striving to make a name for myself, I surrender to making God known. Choosing to live God’s way provides new energy for life and satisfaction I have not found anywhere else.

God gives us hope and purpose in every season of life. No matter what we experience, we can progressively grow stronger inwardly when we keep our eyes on Him.

I have a first-thing-in-the-morning routine that keeps me connected. Along with reading God’s Word, I sit in silence. This helps me hear God’s voice and focus on His greater plan. There are many ways to spend time with God, such as reading His Word, praying, and spending time in nature—far from the distractions of the day. I have one friend who regularly listens to worship music and sings on His way to work.

Even if we can’t grow younger physically, we can develop more spiritual muscle and joy in our lives when we focus on being a part of God’s plan. God is so good. He even makes getting older a beautiful thing to look forward to.

What are some ways you can maintain your perspective as you age?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Jennifer Townsend

Jennifer Townsend is an author, educator, photographer, and community philanthropist. Earning her MBA and accolades in advertising in her earlier career, Jennifer now focuses on sharing her faith. She has led a community Bible study for fourteen years that started in her home and has grown to over two hundred women. Jennifer has created mindfulness and anti-bullying curriculum for local organizations. She has won awards for her photography, been published in several anthologies and websites, and writes a weekly blog. To help more people find divine transformation, she is writing her first book, Disruptive Grace. Follow her weekly blog at www.disruptivegrace.com, Facebook, and Instagram @disruptivegrace.