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A Free Grace Feast

For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan from the beginning of time—to show us his grace through Christ Jesus.  2 Timothy 1:9 NLT

a free grace feastWe enjoyed a free grace feast.

“Well, folks,” she said, “I have something to tell you.”

My husband and I celebrated our forty-sixth wedding anniversary at a nice restaurant. Moments before, we had placed our meal order with this pleasant woman. Figuring her news had something to do with an unavailable item, we waited expectantly.

She continued, “You’re really going to enjoy your food this evening. The couple sitting in the booth across the aisle paid for your meal. They didn’t want us to tell you until after they’d left.”

We had no interaction with the two younger diners who chose to bless us. I’ve seen posts on social media about pay-it-forward moments, but we had never experienced one. My mouth dropped open, and I saw my husband’s do the same. I’m sure we’ll remember this for a long time. Of course, I posted our surprise on social media and paid it forward to our lovely food server.

We didn’t do anything to deserve our blessing, nor did we expect it. God’s blessings to us sometimes come when we least expect them and without us deserving them, but His plans to do so are set well in advance.

God’s greatest blessing is salvation and a life lived to please Him. It’s as though He says, “Well, folks, I have something to tell you. I’m showing you My grace through Christ Jesus. He paid the bill so you can enjoy an everlasting feast with Me in heaven.”

I’m sure anyone would accept a free meal readily and gratefully. But even more important is to accept God’s gift of salvation with gratefulness.

Have you accepted God’s gift of grace?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Anita van der Elst

Anita van der Elst finds joy in creating with words, believing God gifted her with the desire to do so. Married to her best friend, Edward, since 1976, she is a proud mom of four adult children and Oma to two of the most delightful grandchildren ever. Other joys in her life include bringing beauty to Facebook through photos she takes on her iPhone, facilitating a small women’s group at church, and mentoring a few friends who also desire to write.