A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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Joyful Endings

Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.  Ecclesiastes 7:8 KJV

joyful endingsI love joyful endings.

My sons and I read an excerpt from a yearlong children’s Bible every night before bed.

Often, the story splits one account over several days. So I tell the kids to wait until tomorrow to find out what happens. I worry they think Naomi will be bitter forever, that Joseph will languish in prison for the rest of his days, and that Job will die abandoned and scraping his sores. But on the other hand, I can’t wait to show them that, despite Samson’s pitiful and weakened state, God will give him the strength to push down a building tomorrow.

I question my children—“Do you think God has a plan? Do you think He will look after this person?” I wonder how well I apply these teachings to my own life. Of course, knowing the end of the story, I can always answer yes. Victory will come. But when it is us in real life, things differ. In the middle of the struggle, after days or months of frustration with seemingly no change, victory is not so easy to declare.  

As I tell my young ones, we must return to the stories. Consider the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea. Consider the healings. Think about past successes and daily blessings in our own lives. Think about who God is and what He has promised to do. Stirring up our memories through Bible-based meditation, songs, reading, and conversation helps us hope in what we cannot yet see.

The Bible heroes of old were no more special or loved than we are. God’s grace hasn’t changed. He can still take weak, hopeless sinners and save them with His power and mercy.

Ask God to help you retain a childlike faith as you stack up life experiences that will help you mature in the Lord’s service.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Rachel Blanchard

Rachel Blanchard is a teacher, wife, and mother of three young children. She received her BA in English at Truman State University before moving to Central Florida. You can learn more about First in My Heart, her debut romance novel, at her home on the web, rachelblanchardwriter.com. She hopes you find light, love, and encouragement there.