A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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No 1 Relationship

Only a few things are necessary, really only one, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken from her.  Luke 10:42 NASB

Photo courtesy of pixabay.My senior friend settled into the dementia ward well.

I stopped at her room door and asked if I could come in. She recognized me, called me by name, and with a slight smile said, “Yes.”

Our years of friendship didn’t require much talking. Her hearing is gone, and her memory is fading. I read promises of God from the Word to her and we prayed. Somehow, she always knows when to say, “Amen.” Then we just sit, and I stroke her arm as she snoozes.

My mind drifts to the times when we were so excited to share what the Lord was doing in our lives. We encouraged each other through trials. She counselled me when I needed it. Her favourite comment was, “Trust Jesus. He knows the way.” Now just being together is enough.

Jesus waits for us to visit with Him too. Sometimes just being together is enough. At other times, He has so much He wants to tell us. He knows our future. He wants to know how we are, how we are feeling, and what we are doing. He knows who we are and wants to recognize us, call us by name, and welcome us into His presence. Often, we are too busy or tired to spend time with Him. We may even doubt He values us.

In Luke’s story, Jesus confirms a woman’s right to be a disciple. He chats with Martha as she serves Him in her home. He speaks to Mary, Martha’s sister, who is sitting at His feet listening to His words.

Jesus teaches us all a lesson through this encounter. Serving Him is not as important as visiting with Him and listening to His words.

Allow God’s Spirit to woo you into His presence. Your relationship with Jesus is the most important relationship you will ever have.  

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Rusty Lang

Rusty A Lang is an author pseudonym for Marlene A Morphew. Schooled in brokenness, Marlene has served the Christian church internationally for over forty years. Her passion is for people to be released into the Kingdom of God, living a natural supernatural life for Jesus Christ. Living in Australia, she can be followed on Facebook and through a regular blog on her website, www.rustyalang.com. Her books Good Things Take Time: Metamorphosis of a Damaged Soul and Timeless Treasures: Digging for Gold Daily may be ordered directly from her website in Australia or from Amazon and Barnes and Noble. 
