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Keeping Our Balance

Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.  Philippians 2:12 NIV

keeping our balanceThe smallest things can make keeping our balance difficult.

“Look out,” I screamed from my office window. The dive-bombing sparrow knocked “Little Junior” off the birdfeeder ledge. Amazingly, the bird maintained his balance and flew away. God created birds with an innate sense of balance. However, keeping our balance is more of a challenge for us humans.

I once faced a challenge as a teacher, which left me feeling berated and confused. I prayed daily to be a light for the Lord to my students. A few select students always greeted me enthusiastically in the hallway during classes, which I acknowledged with a smile. They, in turn, laughed in my face. It happened repeatedly, so I soon avoided them. This made me feel powerless and off balance. Then one day, the light bulb turned on when one student stopped me and asked why I smiled so much. “Life is hard,” he said, “so what is there to smile about?” My heart sank.

Paul knew the believers in Philippi would face difficult circumstances, untrustworthy people, and sickness—all of which made keeping their balance difficult. Just as a racecar driver must depend upon his pit crew throughout the race to finish it, so must believers rely daily on the power of the Holy Spirit. He empowers us to get back on track, but He doesn’t do it automatically. Instead, He waits for us to ask for His help.

Life is a balancing act, especially for those who follow Jesus wholeheartedly. The Rnemy will try anything to knock us off course and dim the light of Jesus shining through us. He will use the slightest thing to discourage us. We need to depend upon the Holy Spirit to help us back up when life knocks us off balance. Paul is an example of one who maintained his balance and finished well.  

What knocks you off balance? What are some ways you can quickly recover?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Deborah Payne

Deborah Payne is an educator in both the public and private sectors. Her passion is mentoring young believers. Deborah lives in Fort Wayne, IN, with her husband Bruce and playful cat Scooter.