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Strong and Courageous

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord is with you wherever you go.  Joshua 1:9 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.One in eight women develop breast cancer. I am one.

On the drive to my routine mammogram one November day, I became overwhelmed with emotion. My mind raced. What if I have cancer? After I was diagnosed with breast cancer later in the week, I remembered that moment. Never before had I experienced something like this.

God was with me, preparing my heart. He continued to give me strength every step of my journey. Cancer wasn’t always easy, but He promised to be with me. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord is with you wherever you go. Words, such as the ones He gave to Joshua, delivered peace. I saw evidence of God’s hand throughout my treatment. In many ways, He confirmed His Word to me.

According to God’s Word to Joshua, we do not need to be afraid. God is with us wherever we go. This is a wonderful gift for any situation in our lives, even the really difficult, discouraging, and scary ones.

Imagining not being afraid in scary situations is difficult, but that’s what God commands. He knew life would be difficult, so He gave us many verses to comfort and guide us. He also said He would be beside us.

Whatever your life struggle, God wants to meet you in the situation. Trust in Him and His promises, and remember the Lord is with you wherever you go.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Angella Bundz

Angella Bundz has been a Jesus follower since childhood. She is a lover of the Word, quotes, her family, and dark chocolate. She wants to use her story to show God’s glory. She is a nurse practitioner and lives in Florida with her three daughters, two silly Old English sheepdogs, and her husband of 27 years.


  1. Beautifully written Angela. You are strong and courageous and I’m so happy to call you friend. You are an inspiration to so ma y women. Thank you

  2. I am a 14 years breast cancer survivor. My cancer was found through a regular mammogram. My doctor said I didn't need to have a yearly mammogram. I insisted that I get one due to family history of cancer. God was with me then and He is with me now. :-)