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Keeping Sane Amid Change

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.  Romans 8:18 NKVJ

Keeping Sane Amid ChangeJohn Donne said, “Change is the nursery of music, joy, life, and eternity.”

Let’s admit it, most of us do not like change. We want our neat little world where we control what’s happening in our lives, but change is inevitable. It will come, and how we react to it speaks volumes about our faith walk with Jesus.

We don’t ordinarily welcome change unless it comes from the store’s cashier. It pops up at inopportune times and causes discord in our lives, families, and jobs. Or the change could be something we hoped for, but it didn’t happen the way we planned.

What happens when we reject the change and fight against it? It will tax us and drain our energy. We may even become angry and unwilling to see the good that could come from the situation, much less admit it if we do.

How much better to face change with faith that trusts God’s wisdom? Begin by praying and asking God to grant strength and guidance to handle the situation. Next, pray for a spirit that can discern His will. This puts change into perspective.

Change will always come, and often it will be beyond our control. We can fight it or lean on God. We can ask Him to help us walk through the changes and have faith that He will show us the way.

What changes do you need to make to face the next changes that come your way?

(photo courtesy of pixabay.com.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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April Grenti

April Grenti is a writer.