“You’ll have to wait and ask your father!”
I remember wishing I didn’t have to check in with my dad before doing anything with my friends.
Because I imagined life would surely pass me by every time my mother said, “You’ll have to wait and ask your father,” I whined, moped, complained, and tried to get her to trust me and let me go. But her policy was non-negotiable and probably kept me from getting into much trouble.
Just like a human father, God wants His children to seek His wisdom before heading in a new direction. Had king David done that, Bathsheba would’ve never lost a child. And had Abraham done that, Hagar might have been able to stay on as Sarah’s maid. Even Adam would’ve been better off had he told the serpent that he and Eve needed to ask their Dad for permission before they could start hanging out.
Asking the Father for wisdom helps us stay safe and not fall headlong into mischief.
Before participating in anything, search the Scriptures for God’s wisdom and direction.
(photo courtesy of pixabay.com.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Such a good admonition for believers of any age!