The little bundle caught my eye as the garage door opened. It lay about five feet away on the cold black pavement. Moving closer, I saw it was a tiny, dead bird—fully formed, yet featherless. I stared at the little body and wondered what had happened. Did a neighbor’s cat get into the nest? Or was it the blustery wind from the recent Nor’easter?
My heart filled with pity and my eyes with tears. Lately, my tears had been close to the surface. Only a few months had passed since my husband’s death, and I felt so alone and vulnerable as I thought of facing life without him. Then suddenly, I saw myself in that poor little bird. I, too, had been torn from the nest and thrown to the ground.
“Lord,” I prayed, “is this how You see us when we fall? When we are torn from the nest and are hurting? Are we like this little bird to You—helpless, naked, defenseless? Does Your heart fill with pity and sadness for us?”
Then I recalled Jesus’ words that not even one sparrow falls to the ground apart from the will of our heavenly Father. Jesus talked about birds, but He told us how much God cares.
When I think of the world’s wide varieties and number of birds, I am amazed that God knows when even one falls to the ground. Yet Jesus assured us He knows and cares. And then Jesus added, “You are worth more.”
Are you feeling lost and alone? Do you need a reminder that God loves you? Just watch the birds and remember you are worth more.
(photo courtesy of
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Enjoyed this reading. Be Well, & God Bless