We are stubborn folk.
I don’t know about you, but someone can give me clear instruction on a task—straight from the Bible or even from God—and I ignore it, pretend I didn’t hear it and fake ignorance, or completely turn the other way in disobedience.
Jonah did the same. God told him to go to Nineveh and warn the people of destruction because of their disobedience. Instead, Jonah decided to hop on a ship headed six hundred miles in the opposite direction. In fear, he ran from what God told him to do.
But God, in His infinite wisdom and patience, gave Jonah another chance. God is the God of second chances.
When we think we have messed up, turned our backs on God, pretended we didn’t hear His call, and held on with a death grip to what we want, even if it harms us, He gives us a second chance.
God gave Jonah a little time-out in the belly of a fish. After three days, the fish spit Jonah out exactly where God wanted Jonah to be. We can’t hide from God.
God calls us to obey Him . . . to lay down our wants and desires and follow Him. He gives us the strength to turn from our ways, seek out His will, repent, let go, and do things His way.
Even when we run in the opposite direction from where God leads us—even when we are so scared to let go of something—God is there. He gives us chance after chance to repent and do things His way.
What are some second chances you might need?
(photo courtesy of pixabay.com.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Sarah Pace is a writer.