For many years, I struggled with feeling loved by God.
Instead of seeing God as the loving Father He is, I saw Him as angry and condemning, especially when I messed up or sinned. I remember many nights when I lay in my room—exhausted from school, trying to keep up with my prayers and Bible reading, and feeling alone and empty. I wanted to talk to God but felt ashamed because I hadn’t read my Bible and I had sinned. I simply could not fathom that God would want anything to do with me.
Because of this, I struggled to have a relationship with God, to love others, and to love myself. But these feelings of loneliness and condemnation changed when God reminded me of His love. His love overcame me and my shame and reminded me of who I am in Christ—a child of God. And having been loved, I can show people the love God shows me.
Ultimately, we love others and God because He loved us first. Even before we put our faith in Him, He showed us love. The greatest example of God’s love for us was when Jesus laid down His life for us on the cross so that our old life of sin and shame could be removed forever. He gives us new life in Christ.
Because God loves us, we should love other people. God is love. All that He does is loving. As His children, we should love as He loved us first. Loving others can look like many different things: being patient, forgiving, and humble.
How has God shown you His love, and how can you show this love to all people?
(photo courtesy of
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Excellent and encouraging!