We all face trials, disappointments, and the unexpected—and yes, a grieving heart.
The loss of my spouse was heartbreaking, to say the least, and a life-changing event that caused insurmountable grief. I found myself on a long, foggy road, feeling dazed, confused, and exhausted—trying to understand and make sense of my loss. I awoke each day hoping that the experience was a bad dream, but reality would soon set in. I was challenged to make it through another day.
With time, memories were no longer painful or tearful events. Instead, I smiled and even laughed about precious moments I shared with my spouse. There were times on this journey when I felt abandoned and alone, but I never was. Even in the darkest moments, Jesus carried me when needed. He provided comfort, strength, and light throughout my trial.
I may never fully understand or find the answers to all my questions. However, the depth of my grief and pain led me to a trusting relationship with Jesus. At first, it was difficult to fathom that God had a purpose for my pain. Later, I saw it encompassed spiritual growth and allowed me to reach a place of surrender to God’s will.
As I prayed to see God’s perspective, I recognized that although my trial was difficult, God would use me and the experience to help others facing the same misfortune. The loss of my loved one will remain my testimony to share with others to show God’s faithfulness, compassion, comfort, and love.
Don’t rely on your own strength and understanding when faced with uncertainty or the unexpected. Listen to advice from others, but most importantly, seek God and trust Him to walk with you every step of the way. He will provide all that you will need.
(photo courtesy of pixabay.com.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Excellent devotion written by Ms Dawson.