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Love Is Patient

Love is patient; love is kind.  1 Corinthians 13:4 NIV

Love Is Patient Love is patient, but teaching patience . . . well, you need patience to do that.

I was in children’s ministry for over twenty years. Whenever someone decided to do a lesson on patience, it always ended in disaster. It was a test for everyone’s patience . . . every time.

My children were present with every teaching. I think they showed the worst example of everyone there. It kept me on my toes and knees. Patience sounds like a foreign word for anyone with a toddler or a teenager. As a mother of two boys and one girl, I sometimes felt as if they were looking for new ways to test mine daily.

If we struggle with patience, how do we teach it to our kids? We begin with ourselves and daily time with God. Kids do what we do, so we must model the virtue first. If we spend time with God, He will work through His Holy Spirit and grow our patience. Only then can we teach our kids its importance.

A toddler kicking and screaming because they want something immediately does not demonstrate patience. Instead of tolerating tantrums, we can use them to teach our children. God does not give us everything we want on every occasion we ask. He knows better. We must listen to His guidance so that we can teach patience to others.

What are some steps you can take to develop more patience? 

(photo courtesy of pixabay.com.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Elmie van der Lith

Elmie van der Lith is a writer.