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God Hears Our Cries

God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.  Exodus 2:24 NIV

God hears our criesGod, why won’t You answer me? Are You even listening? Are You there?

If you’re anything like me, you’ve asked these questions. Perhaps you’ve repeatedly prayed and cried out to God about a particular matter. Maybe for healing. Maybe for provision when you’re having a hard time making ends meet. Maybe for guidance during a difficult decision. And perhaps it felt like God didn’t answer . . . like God didn’t hear. Maybe you’ve even gone through periods where prayer seems like a colossal waste of time.

Enslaved by the Egyptians for four hundred years, the Israelites had a rough time. They likely cried out to God daily, begging Him to free them from servitude and fulfill His promise to Abraham. But in slavery, they remained—suffering, crying out to God, and feeling abandoned and ignored.

And guess what? God heard and remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He looked down on His people, was concerned, and intervened. Enter Moses.

Sometimes, prayer feels pointless. Nothing happens. Nothing changes. But God does hear our prayers. And He does care. Even Jesus spent many days and nights in prayer, and if Jesus recognized the power of prayer, we should too.

While God’s timing may not be our timing nor our understanding His understanding, we can be confident He does hear our prayers. Our job is to remain faithful and trust that He will provide and answer our every cry in His perfect timing. Our prayers are not in vain.

How can you be more confident that God will answer your prayers? 

(photo courtesy of pixabay.com.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Emily Marszalek

Emily Marszalek enjoys the simple pleasures in life in the Pacific Northwest with her husband Nick and their two Goldendoodles, Charlie and Lucy. She loves jigsaw puzzles, animals, rock music, and all flavors of birthday cake.