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A Word Fitly Spoken

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.  Proverbs 25: 11 KJV

a word fitly spokenThe words did not fit my situation because a know-it-all spoke them. But then a wise man spoke, and his words stuck and changed me because he gave a word fitly spoken.

A fitting word is a suitable word with force if we receive it to comfort, encourage, and give us victory.

Job’s friends had a lot of words to say to him, but none were the right words and were not fitting or effective.

Fitting words fit the person, situation, and time. Such words are God-honoring and affect a change for good if they’re received.

Clothes fit or don’t fit. One size does not fit all. What fits one person may not fit another person. Likewise, words that are proper for one person and their situation may not be for another person.

What helps us have the fitting words for another person’s situation is recalling the words God used to help us when we were in a similar situation. We can still remember how fitting a friend’s advice was. A word fitly spoken is as appropriate as golden apples in a silver vase or ones framed in silver.

Words of flattery or blame are not fitting words. Fitting words are honest and sincere and get to the root of the problem. Words that address wrong and poor choices to get someone to repent and reconcile to God are also fitting—as are words that remind us of God’s forgiveness, love, mercy, and care.

Some people have a knack for always saying the wrong thing. Their intentions may be correct, but their words are unfitting. For them, whatever comes up comes out. But others are gifted to say the right word in every situation. God uses them to touch and change the lives of others.

How can you do a better job of saying the right thing at the right time?

(photo courtesy of pixabay.com.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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James Cagle

James H. Cagle has been preaching and getting the Word out since 1982. He has pastored for twelve years. He now writes for twelve newspapers weekly. He has published three books and is working on several others. James spent four years in the Marine Corps and was honorably discharged in 1980 as a sergeant. He grew up in Bemiss, Georgia, and graduated from Lowndes High in 1975. He currently resides in Nashville, Georgia.