A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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Teatime with Jesus

I have recited your laws and rejoiced in them more than riches. I will meditate upon them and give them my full respect. I will delight in them and not forget them.  Psalm 119:13–16 TLB

teatime with JesusDuring my twenties, I developed a taste for hot tea.

I quickly learned I should soak the tea bag or leaves for at least three minutes, or it wouldn’t be worth drinking. If I rushed the steeping, it was disappointingly flavorless. The peppermint, peach, or chai taste I wanted was missing.

Any health benefits were also in absentia. Many teas contain antioxidants, nutrients, and bioactive substances. And if I wanted an energy boost, cutting short the steeping time resulted in minimal caffeine.

I once attended a church-sponsored breakfast for women who worked outside the home. One of the speakers gave us a homemade bookmark. The bookmark incorporated the threads and paper labels from actual tea bags. Her point? We were busy and might be tempted to rush the time we spent with God to rush to work or a meeting. When we did, it was like drinking weak tea.

Several of these bookmarks still populate my home, meaning I am frequently reminded of the speaker’s lesson that morning.

Weak tea is slang for something which is particularly underwhelming. So, instead of a powerful message from the Lord that stirs my spirit to deep thought or makes my heart sing, I hurry off, immediately leaving behind what I just read.

Instead of getting strength or guidance, I receive something pale and unfulfilling. If I don’t hear God, if the Bible lacks oomph, if others express excitement about their Christian walk and I don’t feel much zeal, it could be my failing to steep that teabag.

A friend once told me, “I found out that grabbing my phone and reading one Bible verse doesn’t really cut it.” While I don’t always accomplish this, my goal in setting aside quiet time is to allow enough time for God to speak to me, for me to talk to Him, and for His Word to soak in.

If you are rushing your time with Jesus, add five minutes to your quiet time this week and then ten the next. Then go for a refreshing, healthy cup of tea and savor it.

(photo courtesy of pixabay.com.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Lauri Lemke Thompson

A Wisconsin native, Lauri Lemke Thompson appreciates living with her husband in the lovely Ozark mountains in Branson, Missouri. She is active in Christian Women’s Connection (Stonecroft) and the Ozarks Chapter of the American Christian Writers. Her two books, Hitting Pause and Pressing Forward, are collections of her columns, articles, and devotions. Her bimonthly column appears in the Branson Globe newspaper.
