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Small Acts Matter

Many came to him and said, "John never did a sign, but everything John said about this man was true."  John 10:41 CSB

small acts matterI was coming out of the lowest point in my life when I discovered small acts matter.

I was a single mom with a four-year-old, reaping the consequences of bad choices. A friend invited me to a single mom’s Bible study. There, my relationship with Jesus began.

Money was tight as I struggled to begin a better life. I had started a new job but had not received my first paycheck. After childcare and rent, I had nothing left for food. With my last two dollars, I put gas in my car and went to church. As I walked through the parking lot after the service, a woman from my Bible study approached me with a large box of food and said, “Do you need food? I got it from the church Care Closet.”

I thanked the kind lady, got into my car, and cried tears of joy and gratitude. She showed me God takes care of His children through His people. Years later, I volunteered at our local food bank. I know what it is like to need food and what a blessing it is to receive it when you don’t see how you will feed your child.

Sometimes we feel we need to do something big for God. Or perhaps we think our small action, kind word, or prayer won’t make a difference. John the Baptist never performed a sign, but everything he said about Jesus was true, and many believed in Him. John’s ministry made a lasting impact and influenced others.

We may never perform a sign or a miracle, but that does not minimize our small actions toward those around us. Delivering food when someone is struggling, taking a meal to someone sick, visiting someone in the hospital, or simply praying for someone can significantly impact others for God’s kingdom. We don’t have to perform a miracle to see one happen in the changed lives of others.

What small acts could you perform that would impact others for Christ? 

(photo courtesy of pixabay.com.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Michelle Piña

Michelle Piña lives in San Diego, California, with her husband and two rescue dogs. She began writing while working in the marketing field, but her passion has always been to make a positive difference in the lives of others. When she’s not hiking, biking, or spending time outdoors, she hopes to encourage people through writing.