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A Father's Love

For God so loved the world that he gave his only son.  John 3:16 NIV

a father's loveHe teared up. My husband leaned over the group of children to see our four-year-old grandson wave his hand.

“Do you have a question we can help you understand?” The VBS leader asked.

Our grandson nodded and then stood. “Why did the tiger have to die?”

Our VBS team had performed “The Story of God” for our kids, and when Adam and Eve sinned, the stuffed tiger Adam carried around after he lovingly named it – was suddenly taken away. In the next scene, Adam and Eve wore tiger skin vests. The meaning was clear to adults, but our grand was four. We didn’t expect him to catch the gest of it.

One VBS team member knelt next to our grandson. “That’s a great question! Now we can talk about the huge love of the Father.” He drew a large circle in the air and preceded to explain why the tiger died and how that showed how great the love of God is.

My husband dabbed his eyes and then smiled. The love of a granddad seeped out. He was so proud our wee one “got” the message.

Mother’s Day often overshadows Father’s Day. There’s a little attention given, but not much, which makes me sad. Dad’s love is just as great as the love of a mother. After all, look at the love of our Father in heaven.

Love is easiest shown by action. Explaining the immensity of God’s love is tough too. It’s so vast, yet John probably penned the best definition ever. “For God SO loved the world that He gave His only son.” Is there any greater love? John gave us so many revelations of God in the simplest of words to help us wrap our heads around its vastness. Then to think he passed this to us.

My husband was filled with so much love and pride for our grandson that tears seeped. A grandfather’s love pours down his cheek. I couldn’t help but think that this was just a sample of the love God feels for us. It’s so much more.

On this Father’s Day, honor the Father of all mankind. Honor your earthly father, even if he may not be ideal – because God so loved the world, He gave His only son for us all.

(photo courtesy of pixabay.com.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Cindy Sproles

Cindy K. Sproles is a best-selling, award-winning author. She is a speaker and a conference teacher who teaches nationwide. Cindy is the cofounder of Christian Devotions Ministries, www.christiandevotions.us, and www.inspireafire.com. She serves as a writing mentor with WRAMS (Writing Write Author Mentoring Service) and is the director of the Asheville Christian Writers Conference. Visit Cindy at www.cindysproles.com.
